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Jan/February 2024 - Diamonds perform in the Glee Club Challenge!

Congrats to our Saturday Diamond performers who took part in the Jack Petchey Glee Club Challenge! They had an awesome time at the Boot Camp working with Industry Professionals and then performing in a Professional theatre. It was a great experience to perform somewhere new and go outside of our comfort zones! Well done for your performances and commitment!

Gems in the West End
Gems in the West End
February 2023 -  Gems West End Showcase

We're still buzzing from our February half term performance in the West End! So proud of the 50 brilliant young performers from our Saturday and Monday MT Company who tread the boards of the Arts Theatre stage in Leicester Square. We received an unbelieveable amount of thank you and well done emails from proud parents. So a massive thank you to the Gems Teachers & everyone else involved. SO PROUD, GO GEMS!

Kingswood Arts drama
Kingswood Arts
Brand new classes now running at
Kingswood Arts In Dulwich - Jan 2023

After a year long waitlist for our classes, we are so thrilled to finally be able to offer some new classes at this incredible new venue! We're now running 5 new classes a week, including a new Acting Company and LAMDA, and we look forward to all the exciting community projects coming up at Kingswood Arts in the future. Book in a free taster and come join the fun!

Heathers theatre trip
Heathers theatre trip
Theatre Trip to watch Scott in Heathers!

Last night we took our Diamond Saturday students to watch their acting teacher Scott perform in Heathers in the West End! Everyone had a brilliant night and our young performers were so inspired watching their teacher in action! Congrats Scott for a brilliant run (and for continuing to teach your students throughout!)

Musical Theatre Company shows
Gems Summer shows
July 2022 - Live Shows are back!

We may have got a little emotional watching our Gems performing live again to their parents after three long years! Our Saturday children and Musical Theatre Company all produced brilliant end year shows for their families to watch, performed in the Westwood Theatre. Well done all!

April / May 2022 - West End Theatre Trips!

How lucky are we to have the West End on our doorstop? We had great fun taking our Saturday Diamond group to watch Dear Evan Hansen and our Musical Theatre Company to Come From Away. The children learnt a lot from watching the performers live in action!

Diamonds theatre trip
Theatre trip
War Horse summer club
 War Horse summer club
Aug 2021 - Holiday Camp Shows are back!

We were thrilled to be back running our performances to parents over the Summer. One particularly impressive show was War Horse directed by Anya. We even invited a War Horse actor, Danny Dalton to work with the children, teaching them some puppetry and discussing the themes in the show.

March 2021- Our final Zoom!

After a long year running classes over Zoom, we are finally 'logging off' and returning to in-person classes. We are so proud of our Gems for sticking with us. Your commitment has been amazing. Parents - you have also been incredible! We made it through and now we cant wait to see you all in person after Easter.

July 2020 - End of Year Virtual Show!
Virtual Lockdown show

Lockdown didn't stop us from performing! We created a Virtual Show, featuring children from our Saturday Theatre School and zoomed it live to over 150 families! We were so proud and amazed at what we still managed to create, despite being in lockdown. A big thank you to our amazing teachers!

That was absolutely brilliant! I can’t even imagine how many hours you guys put in editing that. So impressive. Thank you to all the GEMS staff for your incredible hard work,enthusiasm, motivation and positivity in making this term absolutely fantastic for the children. My girls have had a super term - it was a real highlight during lockdown.

Gems show
Nov 2018 - Gems in the West End!

Well done to our older children from the Sapphire Saturday School and Monday Musical Theatre groups who performed at the Arts Theatre in London's West End! Both groups performed a 45 minute show devised by their group and worked so hard to get their performances 'West End' ready. We hope you all enjoyed the experience. We will be planning another performance in 2020!

July 2017 - Gems Five Year Anniversary Show at the Michael Croft Theatre Dulwich

Congratulations to all the 100 children who took part in our anniversary show. We brought children together from our Saturday Theatre School, Monday Musical Theatre Company and Sapphire Youth Dance Company to perform scenes, songs and dances based on Roald Dahl's stories plus a brand new musical written by us called M.A.D! Well done, you all worked so hard :)

 Forest Hill Library Performance
'Gems Nativity Goes Wrong'

Gems were thrilled to be commissioned to write a Christmas performance to be performed outside Forest Hill Library in December. The children from Emerald Saturday Acting class wrote a bonkers nativity with silly songs, costumes, props and audience participation. They performed brilliantly! Thanks to FH Traders Association and SEE3 for a fab opportunity :)

This year Emma helped organise Forest Hill Fashion week! Our Gems performed a Flashmob to Uptown Funk all around Forest Hill and rocked the Catwalk set up on Dartmouth Road! Visit

 Forest Hill Fashion Week !
Flashmob and Kids Catwalk
Performances with Sydenham Arts Festival

Our Monday Musical Theatre Company performed three dances from Hairspray on Sydenham High Street over the Summer, plus Francesco performed his brilliant solo dance piece and Jess wowed everyone with her comedy magician sketch!

Sapphire Youth Dance Company represent Kent and London in UK Finals at the O2!

We were all so PROUD of our Gems who got through to the UK Finals of the Red Cross Dance competition Make Your Move. Big thank you to the parents for all your support and to Maria for your hard work

Gems got Talent !!!

Congratulations to all the children who took part in Gems got Talent! We were so proud and you all worked so hard. Some wonderful acts including solo dancing, acting, poetry, comedy, magician, singing - the Judges had a very hard time choosing!  

Sapphire Youth Dance Co perform in the West End

At the end of our Summer term, eleven girls from our very own youth dance company performed at the London Palladium in front of thousands! They performed incredibly well. Amelia even said it was the best day of her life! We look forward to creating even more exciting oppportunities for the children.

End of Year Show The Jungle Book 

Well done to all children who participated in our End of Year show. Our shows are getting bigger and better each year and everyone worked so hard - including the parents who helped with costumes etc so WELL DONE!



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